
2001 - 2018

I knew you were having a hard time the last few months of your life, but you sure liked watching me cook yours and Scooter’s meals up until that fateful day, nature chose for you, to say goodbye.

I don’t know exactly what happened to you in the 8 years before we became your new family, but I knew it was hard for you to express affection. You didn’t seem to like people much and I understood that. Sometimes, I feel that way too.

As a beautiful example of what a black and tan Dachshund should look like, you were raised to be a puppy making machine. That was the first five years of your life. It must have made you wonder, is this all these people want me for? Your instinct to be a mother was so strong, you’d naturally seek out children who were yelling and carrying on, to let them know you’re in charge and to behave.

You weren’t very well socialized to the world of humans when I got you, but as you aged, you mellowed and even let people touch you without trying to run or bark to scare them away.

You must not have had a good beginning in your life, because every time I went to give you affection, you ducked like someone who thought every human hand represented a swat. I learned how to pet you, so you wouldn’t have to be reminded of those events that made you think that a hand was to be avoided.

Chloe, I want you to know you mattered to me and I hope you’re in a better place now.

You licked my hand in the last week we were together. That was the first and only time you ever did that. I think you were telling me thank you, for helping you through those last months of your life, when getting around wasn’t easy for you anymore. That little lick and what it meant to me, will last forever in my memory.

Scooter and I miss you very much. When I asked Scooter, where’s Chloe, he looked up in the air and out the window.

Chloe, you were my little girl, you mattered to me, and I want the world to know who you were. I love you, Chloe.