In Loving Memory of my Beautiful Angel

January 11, 2013

It was April 1, 1995 when I rescued you from the Pomona Valley shelter on your last day of adoption. You were a scared, lonely, one year old cat without a family. I had to take you home with me so I could save your life. You were the lucky one! Who would have ever thought that you would grow old with me? We moved out and got married, you had babies, I had babies. You were by my side through it all and the only thing you ever asked of me was to hold you in my arms like a baby so you could bury your head on my chest. We had a ton of great times together like when you slid down the slide into the pool on accident and I jumped in after you. We looked like a couple of drowned rats. I saw you aging like a little old lady would and I knew your delicate body wouldn't last forever. You were almost 19 years old. As Christmas neared, I saw my worst nightmare unfolding before my eyes. Your body was tired and you were about to leave me. I couldn't handle it, but just as I learned from you, I now never left your side. You passed peacefully at home warm in your bed with your (now) 17