
2010 - 2022

Peterpan, born on 28 September 2010, crossed the rainbow bridge due to complications from congestive heart failure. He was the best dog an owner could ask for, and will be missed very much. He always met me at the door when I came home with tail wagging and the expectation of a treat. When you mentioned going "bye-bye", he was the first one to the garage door and had a specific way he would turn his rear end to you to pick him up and put him in the car. He loved to take walks in the doggie stroller with his siblings and loved to look out the front to see what there was to see. He had the biggest eyes that seemed to be able to look into your soul. Regardless of where I was in the house, he would shortly be there with me laying on the floor under my feet or on his doggie pillow. He snored almost as badly/loudly as I do, and there were times both of us were banned from the bedroom. While all the rest of us were outside in the heat, he would lay just inside the door in the airconditioned house looking at the rest of us like we were crazy to be outside. He would bark at us to get our attention, and when we would try to pick him up, he would lead us into the pantry and set down in front of the treat jar. Marva brought Pan and his sister into our marriage, and he and I instantly bonded, and it's going to be a real struggle not having him to share my days and nights with. I know that there was no choice and that he is no longer suffering, but you always wish you had one more day with them. Love your fur babies tonight and tell them how much you love them and how much they mean to you since you don't know when they will be gone. I love you Peterpan/Pan/Pan the Man/Pandaman and will see you again when I go over my rainbow bridge.