
2007 - 2022

Wheezy Duncil (09/26/2007 - 10/26/2022)

Our beloved Wheezy transitioned from this world on October 26, 2022, taking with him a piece of all of our hearts. He was a treasured member of our family and will forever be missed. Wheezy was truly a man's best friend, always there if one was in need of comfort, the best boy that anyone could ever ask for. He blessed us with 15 loving years and did his best to hold on to spend the all the time he could with us. Wheezy fought until the end, and only until we were ready to accept it, did he allow himself to go. He will forever be missed, but we know he is happy and no longer suffering and he will forever be with us. We love you so much boy! I hope you are running free somewhere the chicken nuggets grow on trees. Until we meet again my friend.